It's Easy to Understand Hard in Business
It’s Easy to Understand Hard in Business No question, it often seems as though we live in a complicated, bewildering and challenging business environment. This goes for both those attempting to build a business and those seeking to create a rewarding career. There seems to be an endless stream of challenging problems to solve. And yet, the reality is that, at its core, the business of business is simple . Believe it or not, the tougher it seems to get to be in business, the simpler it should be to be in business. My contention is that the single biggest inhibitor to decoding the simple secrets to problem solving in business is a bumbling gaggle of bureaucratic managers who only offer byzantine systems, inflexible control points, conflicting strategies and knee-jerk actions which only serve to make problem solving much more complicated than it need be. And this approach to problem solving leads to suppressing the flow of fresh ideas and creative actions that could conve...