To Become an Effective Leader, Rebel Against Bad Rules




If your desire is to become an effective and successful leader, at any level, you will find yourself constantly beseeched to follow the established rules that have ostensibly been laid down to show you the best path to achieving your goal.

Initially, these rules may have been well intended, but over time many of them have evolved into a set of stultifying leadership commandments carved in stone. This results in a structured rigid approach to leadership that creates a commonality of approach, but, in so doing, stifles enthusiasm, initiative, creativity and freedom of action.

Leadership rules are to be respected, but that does not mean they are inviolet and can’t be challenged. Especially if these rules reach the point of actually impeding or obstructing the implementation of new, creative approaches to leadership.

Listed below is a group of established leadership rules that have become susceptible to challenge. Also listed is a potential alternative to each of these rules. The key to your success as a leader is not just to know the rules, but to decide which rules should be challenged and how best to do so.


When the rule says be the hero – Let others be out front.

When the rule says to consolidate power – Share power.

When the rule says to know it all – Be open to what others know.

When the rule says to be above it all – Be accessible to all.

When the rule says tell people what to do – Teach them how to do it.

When the rule says have all the answers – Look to others for answers.

When the rule says take all the credit – Give all the credit away.

When the rule says to resist change – Explore and embrace it.

When the rule says the rewards are for the top – Start them at the bottom.

When the rule says it’s all about the leader – make it all about everyone else.


Bob MacDonald – Former CEO of ITT Life, founder of LifeUSA, retired chairman and CEO of Allianz Life of North America, author of numerous books on business, management and leadership.


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