Who Needs Referees Anyway?


There are valid reasons why referees are a vital part of every NFL football game. Their responsibility is to keep the opposing teams on a “level playing field” by identifying and calling out any players, on either team, who take actions that violate the rules of the game.

It is one thing to disagree with and complain about the judgment of an NFL referee, but can you imagine the total chaos that would ensue if the NFL coaches decided to disregard any referee’s ruling they did not like? The games would devolve into total chaos. And very quickly the league would fail.

Referees Are Not Just For Sports

Sports is not the only place where referees are needed to keep things functioning effectively. Referees are also crucial to good government, making sure it is being run fairly and in compliance with the laws and principals of the country.

In 1787 the framers of a new constitution for the United States consciously and deliberately delineated three distinct articles of government structure: A) The Congress was authorized propose and pass specific legislation and laws, raise revenues and authorize expenditures. B) The Executive was primarily charged with implementing and enforcing legislation and laws passed by Congress. C) A Federal Judicial system was created to serve as a “referee” to assure that the other branches were acting within the intent and authorization of the Constitution.

This delicate structure of “checks and balances” of power and authority was intended to create, protect and preserve a democratic government in the United States and has served the country well for over 240 years. But now this unique form of government faces a relentless and dangerous attack by one of the branches of government. How this challenge is resolved will literally determine the future of democracy in our country.


What Donald Trump wants to do is eliminate the power of the “referees” charged with assuring that our government is equitable, fair, open and democratic. His intent is to neuter the authority and power of the American judicial system established by the Constitution. To accomplish this goal Trump and his MAGA dupes and cronies have launched an aggressive, consistent and dangerous attack on the Federal Judicial system. If he is successful, it will leave him with virtually unchecked and unlimited power and control.

 (Anyone with even a small modicum of historical knowledge will recognize that the elimination of an independent judiciary is one of the first actions of an authoritarian leader. (aka dictator)

Trump has two prongs of attack: Trump brazenly claims that he IS the “Federal Government” giving him the power to decide what is and what is not law. 2) Trump gloats that while he controls the military, the Federal Judiciary – including the Supreme Court – has no authority or power to enforce their rulings. Trump claims the authority to ignore or violate any court ruling and challenges the courts to do something about it.    

How It Ends

Trump may be closer to destroying America’s democratic government than many recognize or want to accept. He has already emasculated the once great Republican Party and Congress has become all but impotent.

If Trump is successful in his attack on the referees of Congressional and Executive action, there will be no going back, because what we had will no longer be there.


Bob MacDonald – Retired Chairman and CEO of Allianz Life of North America, former president and CEO of ITT Life, founder and CEO of LifeUSA, author of several books on business, management and leadership. Bobmac5201@gmail.com




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