The Real Donald Trump Revealed


Believe it or not, there is overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump is the real-life reincarnation of New York’s notorious mob boss John Gotti.

No wait … before you think this is just silly and click off, take a few minutes to review the indisputable facts that lead to no other conclusion than that Trump is Gotti reincarnated.

Consider these irrefutable facts …

Both Gotti and Trump were bred and raised in New York.


From a young age both Gotti and Trump were schooled in the family businesses. For Gotti it was crime and for Trump it was real estate.


Both Gotti and Trump were manically dedicated to rising to the very top of their chosen fields of endeavor.


Gotti learned how to survive and thrive in “the Mob.” Trump learned to successfully deal with “the Mob” that controlled real estate construction in New York.


Gotti was an inveterate gambler. Trump made gambling his side business.


Gotti craved media coverage and even sought it out. Trump not only sought media publicity, but he also hosted his own television show.


During his time, Gotti became widely known for his outlandish personality and flamboyant style, which despite his known connections to the mob, garnered him favor and following from many in the general public. We all know Trump’s personality and style. Remember Trump famously said, “I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and I wouldn’t lose any votes.”


Here is an eerie parallel: John Gotti was often referred to as “Don.” As in “The Dapper Don”, for his expensive clothes and personality and as “The Teflon Don” after acquittals in three high-profile federal trials. Now we have the real “Don”.


Gotti’s public rise to the top of the Mob triggered constant investigations by local, state and federal bodies and even media scrutiny, but there were nebulous results and no accountability for his actions. Trump’s rise to the top in politics triggered virtually 24-7 media scrutiny and eventually ongoing investigations, but there were nebulous results and no accountability for his actions.   


Gotti was cited for jury tampering, threatening and intimidation of witnesses involved in his trials. Trump has been “gagged” by two courts concerned about his thinly veiled threats to and intimidation of potential witnesses and juries.


Gotti was indicted under the RICO racketeering statute. Trump has been indicted under the RICO racketeering statute.


Even though it was not reciprocated, Gotti demanded total unquestioned loyalty from his family, friends and those who worked for him. Those who were not loyal in Gotti’s eyes soon disappeared; one way or the other. Trump is famous for demanding total loyalty from those in his circle, even if he does not return it. Those not loyal to Trump, in his eyes, are ridiculed, denigrated, threatened and banished.


Gotti was brought to federal trial three times by the Department of Justice and acquitted all three times. Trump was twice impeached by Congress but acquitted both times. Trump has been indicted by the Department of Justice and faces at least two federal trials, but the outcome is still uncertain.


Gotti was finally taken down and jailed as the result of state charges in New York. Trump has been indicted on state charges in Georgia and legal experts suggest he is most at risk from these charges.


Gotti died in jail in 2002. It was only after Gotti’s death that Trump began to rise in national recognition and prominence by becoming involved in politics. Gotti had fought his way to the top of the Mob and Trump fought his way to the top of politics.


Gotti’s lack of respect for Mob rules and norms, combined with his often-risky actions and often out of control public persona turned the Mob into a public spectacle that ultimately led to his demise. Trump’s flaunting of the rules and norms of politics, combined with his erratic pronouncements and often out of control persona has turned politics into a public spectacle that may ultimately lead to his demise.

And in the end …    

Now that you’ve seen all the parallels and similarities between Gotti and Trump, I challenge you to deny that Trump is actually the reincarnation of mobster John Gotti. From now on, when you see, hear or think about Donald Trump you have to think – John “Don” Gotti.


Bob MacDonald -- Former CEO of ITT Life; founder of LifeUSA; retired chairman and CEO of Allianz Life of North America; author of numerous books and articles on business, management and leadership.


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