DeSantis Going Where He Doesn't Know He's Going


Dinky-minded DeSantis has declared that the Russian aggression against Ukraine is “not a vital interest” for America, but is just a simple “territorial dispute.” In doing so, he has joined a small but growing group of MAGA Republican leaders who say we are giving to much support, money and equipment to Ukraine.

What DeSantis and the others of his ilk fail to understand is that the people of the Ukraine are not only fighting to save their independence as a country but are also fighting our fight against Putin and Russia. Every day that the Ukrainians resist Russian aggression, the Russian economy is stressed, their military prowess is weakened, and Putin’s world (if not within Russia) political influence is reduced. This all inures to our benefit.

If the Ukrainians are willing to give up their lives to resist and weaken Russia, the least we can do is give them the equipment and economic assistance to do so. Besides, the financial and material support we are giving to Ukraine is but a drop in bucket compared to how many hundreds of billions of dollars – not to mention the American lives lost – we spent in Iraq and Afghanistan. And for what?

I suggest that the Dinky-minded DeSantis stay in his lane of banning books, restricting free speech, reducing Social Security and Medicare   and regulating the “woke” activities of free-market businesses.      


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