What Do Politicians Do Best?


Very few politicians are visionaries, but all of them have perfect hindsight as “armchair quarterbacks.” For years the Republicans blamed Roosevelt for “allowing” the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Claiming that Roosevelt and the government had all the intelligence they needed to alert to the attack but did nothing to prevent it. After the terrorist attack on 9/11 the Democrats constantly blamed Bush and his administration for not preventing the attack by ignoring clear intelligence of an impending strike. The Republicans are now planning to gin up extensive investigations into the FBI and intelligence community (ignoring that Trump was president) trying to prove they ignored intelligence that if followed would have prevented the January 6th insurrection at the Capital. The point here is that it is a misnomer to depict politicians as leaders. Most politicians are in fact followers. They are not very good at making history, but they are very good at attempting to rewrite it.    


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