Reminisce About the Future


When you reminisce about the future in the same way others reminisce about the past, the future becomes the present for you, just as the past is the present to others.

We all have the power and enjoy reminiscing about the past. We recall and visualize important events in our past – graduation, marriage, birth of a child – in a way that allows us to virtually relieve these experiences. Our reminisces are so vivid we can describe them in a way that is so graphic it can even make others feel as though they were there too.

As a leader, imagine how powerful it would be to have the capacity to visualize the future in the same way others visualize the past. A leader imbued with the power to reminisce about the future would be able to paint a picture of the future in such a realistic way that others could comprehend and see if as if it is the present. This would allow followers to become as comfortable with the future as they are with the past, encouraging them to work toward the future their leader has painted for them.

Of course, no one has the power to predict the future, but all of us do have the ability to reminisce about the future. And even more importantly, we have the power to make the future.

Unfortunately, the power to evoke a clear image of the future is rarely used, because so few understand they possess such power or realize how easy it is to exercise it. Bear in mind that reminiscing about the future is not dreaming about the way we hope the future will be, it is identifying the actions needed to be taken to make the future what we want it to be.

What many fail to consider is that the future does not just happen, it is not random. The future is determined by the actions of today. Someone is going to make the future, so why shouldn’t it be you? You don’t have to be rich, famous, or infused with some special power to reminisce about the future; all you need is the audacity to create and commit to a vivid image of what you want the future to be. 

Once the conceptual images of your vision of the future are firmly planted in your mind, they become a guide to transform the vision into reality. This principle works because, when you reminisce about the future, your imagination begins to focus on the plans and actions that will allow you to make the future.

When we combine the sum power of our experiences, creativity, imagination, desire, and commitment to reminisce about the future in simple, specific, realistic mental images, we are positioned to create the future. The key is to make sure that the future you reminisce about is clear-cut, attainable and focused. The future belongs to those who get there first. By learning to reminisce about the future, you can make the future and be waiting there when the rest arrive.


Bob MacDonald -- Former CEO of ITT Life, founder of LifeUSA, retired chairman and CEO of Allianz Life of North America; author of numerous books on business, management and leadership.


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